How to Add Your Sogni Wallet to MetaMask
Learn how to add your Wallet created within your Sogni account to your Metamask account
About Your Sogni Wallet
When you created your free Sogni account to use a Sogni Supernet network a free cryptocurrency wallet was automatically generated for you to securely manage your Sogni tokens.
The Sogni application uses this wallet “automagically” behind the scenes to receive tokens you have been rewarded and to pay for network renders that power the Sogni “decentralised render network”. Sogni users have “full custody” of their Sogni wallet as their private key is never sent to Sogni’s servers. Instead standard private/public key encryption based authentication is used to confirm ownership of the wallet keeping your tokens secure.
We believe the user experience should always be simple and intuitive so most users don’t need any additional setup or understanding of this “web3” technology to enjoy Sogni. While using Sogni Supernet these tokens can be treated much the same as “render credits” on any other platform.
Retrieving your wallet address is currently only available on Sogni for macOS.
Adding Your Sogni Wallet to an External Wallet Application
Users who want to fully utilise this wallet for advanced purposes like interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges or leveraging the wallet for other tokens like Ethereum can simply import this wallet into a 3rd party wallet application.
Your Sogni wallet is no different from any other cryptocurrency wallet in that it is a combination of a “wallet address” (0x…) and a “private key” which is a private password for that wallet (different from your Sogni account password). Given a “private key” the address for that key can automatically be calculated, so the only thing you need to add your wallet to an external wallet application is the private key. Here are the steps to import your Sogni wallet to a browser based wallet like MetaMask after locating that key.
Step 1. Install a browser wallet application
MetaMask is a popular option:
Rabby Wallet is another popular option:
Step 2. Locate your Sogni Wallet private key
With your Sogni macOS app open, click Sogni and then Settings
This will open your Settings Window. Click the Account Tab.
Within the P.K field (Private Key) Press the lock icon and enter your mac's system password.
You will then be able to view and copy your Sogni Wallet's Private Key.
Step 3: Import your Sogni Wallet via Private Key to MetaMask
3a. In the MetaMask browser extension click on the Accounts dropdown. Then click "Add account or hardware wallet". Then "Import Account".
3b. In the "Import Account" window, paste the value into "Enter your private key string here" and click Import.
3c. To help you remember that this is your Sogni wallet you can label this wallet in MetaMask. Click the 3 dots next to the new address. You can verify that the 0x address matches the one displayed in Sogni. Click “Account Details”. Click the pencil icon next to "Account 2" or whatever default name was given and change it to "Sogni Wallet". You are done. The Sogni wallet is now added to your MetaMask!
Note: There are a few more steps however to have your Sogni Testnet Tokens show up in MetaMask, see below.
Step 4: Export Your Sogni tokens from the Sogni Application
4a. In the Sogni desktop application Open the Account & Wallet window
4b. Click on the Right Pointing Arrow to withdraw tokens from your Sogni Application to your Sogni Wallet and follow the instructions in the prompt that pop up. Note: When your Sogni Application receives and sends Sogni tokens it uses something called a “Smart Contract” to securely credit your account and transfer tokens securely without having to pay steep transaction fees called “gas”. This is why you need to migrate tokens from your Account to your wallet before they will show up in your Metamask Wallet.
Step 5: Add Base Sepolia Network to your MetaMask
By default MetaMask opens and displays wallets relative to the Ethereum network. The Ethereum network is the original network that powers this cryptocurrency wallet technology but transaction fees are very expensive on it so most applications are built on what is known as “Layer 2 Networks”. Sogni is on the Layer 2 Base Network where transaction fees are a fraction of Ethereum. To switch your MetaMask to use the Base Network follow the steps outlined here under MetaMask. During our Testnet phase you should follow the directions under “TestNet”:
Note that during Testnet our tSogni token is used which relies on the test version of this network. That is why there is a “t” in front of the token name. Wallets like MetaMask can switch networks as needed between test and regular networks using the same wallet address and private key.
Step 6: Update MetaMask to be aware of tSOGNI token
Final Step! Wallets like MetaMask by default only scan for and display very popular known cryptocurrency tokens. Since tSogni is a new testnet token it must be added manually to the list of tokens that MetaMask should be aware of. To do this follow these steps:
6a: Open MetaMask and make sure you have Selected “Base Sepola Testnet” in the top left corner network selector dropdown
6b: In the address selector dropdown you may have multiple wallets, make sure to switch to the Sogni Testnet wallet you created in prior steps.
6c. Click on the Import Tokens button near the bottom of the window. Paste this “token contract address” which should automatically populate the form with “tSogni”. Submit the form:
6d. You should see the amount of tSogni that you transferred in Step 4 now displayed in the wallet. If you don’t, you can try clicking on the Refresh List button.
Congrats you are now a MetaMask / crypto wallet Ninja! Feel free to reach out to us in Discord if you have any questions or issues!
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Last updated