Account & Wallet
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To view your account and wallet balance, select the Account Icon within the top toolbar. Here you can see your balances, account history and also claim rewards. Your Account balance represents the tokens available for spending to generate images. Any earnings you make as a worker, by sharing your computing power to generate images for others, will be deposited into your account. These tokens are stored in a smart contract, directly tied to your wallet address, ensuring that your funds are not held by a centralized organization. Easily transfer tokens between your wallet and your account. You can deposit funds from an external wallet into your Sogni wallet and then transfer them into your account to use in the app. Similarly, you can transfer earnings from your account to your wallet for withdrawal at any time.
By clicking on the Gift icon you can view your rewards. Every 24 hours you can claim your Daily Boost of 200 Testnet SOGNI Tokens for use with generating images on the Sogni Supernet Networks (Fast & Relaxed).
You can view the cost of your generation job in the UI below the Imagine button.
The cost of your job will vary based on:
• The number of images you are generating per job (batch size)
• The number of steps.
• The type of model you are using (SDXL, Standard, etc.)
• Use of ControlNet (ControlNet preprocessors are free)
• The number of requested previews
You can view the cost per your generation job within the UI below the Imagine Button.
Changing your generation processor is easy within our UI. You can select and switch processing using the buttons below the Image Button. The Computer icon represents On-Device processing. The ⚛️ Atom icon represents Relaxed Supernet processing. The ⚛️ Atom icon with the Bolt ⚡️ represents Fast Supernet processing.
Alternatively, you can change your processing from within the settings toolbar.
Comparative Information for Fast Supernet, Relaxed Supernet & On-Device Processing
Average Generation Time (1024x1024 XL Render (20 steps))
< 5 Seconds
24 Seconds +
60 Seconds +
Parallel Rendering
Need to Download Models?
Internet Required?
An exciting perk of using Sogni Supernet processing within Artist Mode, is there is no need to download Models and ControlNet Models onto your device 🎉
Open the Model Explorer within the side bar by clicking the switch arrow icon, and select the Atom icon to view models available for use.
Models available on Supernet networks may differ. To view models available on Relaxed Supernet, ensure you're connected to Relaxed Supernet processing before opening the Model Explorer. Likewise, to view models available on Fast Supernet, ensure you're connected to Fast Supernet processing before opening the Model Explorer.
To change and generate with another model, simply select the model you'd like to use.
You can view which version of the model has support on the version of Supernet you are using as the Atom icon will be acid green. Next to this Atom the number represents how many workers are live and ready to power your generation.
Once selected and active, you'll see the tick next to the model name. You have now loaded that model and are ready to begin generating! ✨
You can now view the active model within the sidebar UI. You can change model at any time by clicking the switch arrow icon to open the Model Explorer.
Continuing the ease of using different models for your generations without the need to download any models, when using Supernet processing there is no need to download any ControlNet Models.
To begin using ControlNet models within your generations, ensure that you are using a generation model that is compatible with ControlNet models. Open the Model Explorer and filter ControlNet compatible models by selecting the ControlNet layer icon.
Activate a ControlNet compatible generation model of your choice then close the Model Explorer.
Within the Sidebar UI, head to the ControlNet panel.
Upload the Image or Video you'd like to use within a ControlNet model.
Select a preprocessor (optional but recommended) then choose a ControlNet model you would like to use for your generations.
For this example, we have selected the Depth preprocessor and Depth ControlNet Model.
When connected to Supernet, it is easier than ever to experiment and use ControlNet models - no waiting for ControlNet models to download or having to store ControlNet models on your device 🎉
Want to learn more about using ControlNet models? View our guide here
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